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Caitlin Looney


What is your name?      

Caitlin Looney


How long have you been playing Ultimate Frisbee?      

End of 2010


How did you start playing?        

I started playing in Transition Year through the schools initiative in UCC


Who was your first frisbee crush?          

I'd be lying if I said anyone other than Richard Hobson. As one of the Hobsons he had to be naturally good looking and he is genuinely one of the nicest people you'll ever meet! Of course it was a schoolgirl crush, now Hobs is someone who I look up to and who I am eternally grateful to for taking the time to coach us.


What was the best frisbee tournament you ever attended and why?    

The tournament I'll always look back fondly on is EYUC 2011. It was held in Wracklow, Poland. Really cheap and well organised. It was also the first ever tournament I played. Everything that people love about frisbee could be found there!

In competitive terms Tour 3 last year with Rebel was amazing! We played the best Ultimate we had all year and really pulled together as a team. Plus tour is efficient. You get exactly what it says on the tin.


What was the worst frisbee tournament you ever attended and why? 

U23 World Championships, Toronto and WUCC, Lecco. Both were really expensive and had nothing to show for it. Disasters.


If you were an animal that could play frisbee what animal would you like to be and why?

A cheetah. Cheetahs are great. Fast and flexible, neither of which I am. I'd work out the disc skills later.


If a theme song was played every time you were announced onto the pitch, what theme song would you choose?       

'Shake it off' by Florence and the Machine or else 'The Twist' by Frightened Rabbit. They both make me smile.


What was your best Ultimate Frisbee moment?

On a personal level I think plays and stuff are great but my best moments are always on and off the pitch with my teammates. From those there are too many to pick.


Which player did you look up to when you first began playing frisbee?

Richard Hobson. He made us believe in ourselves just as much as he believed in us. I always wanted to do my best and work as hard as possible when he coached us.


What player do you look up to at the moment 

I can say the same for Matthew Feely and Mary McKee as I did for Hobs. They're both great coaches. On the field they're logical and conservative. I wish I could be more like that.


Do you have any pre-game or pre-tournament rituals and do they ever work? 

Eating loads.


Where do you see your frisbee self in 5 years time -     

Hopefully more mobile and flexible. Also better in the air. As long as I'm improving and don't get lazy!


What was the best frisbee team you ever played on and why?

Rebel Ultimate 2014 and UCC Ultimate 2014/2015. Rosie got everything right in her interview. I couldn't of asked to play with a better bunch of girls!


What is your favourite frisbee number and why?           

I chose number 5 as it was my number in camogie at the time and just kind of stuck with it. Seems a bit obsolete now as I'm number 11


What was the best frisbee party you were ever at and why?     

The Saturday night party of Golden Keg 2014. Went in GAA shorts, jersey and a pair of converse. Danced the night away and was absolutely 'bungaloed'. The atmosphere was great!


What was the worst frisbee party you were at and why?             

Ah they're all usually fairly solid


Have you ever thought about quitting frisbee and why?             

I have. It's very time consuming and I actually really enjoy my college course and camogie. But doing them all makes you feel spread a bit too thin. An odd week off here and there helps.


Why do you continue to play frisbee?  

I love competitive sports and the people are fantastic! I've met some of my best friends playing frisbee and you get to know people from all walks of life!


Choose your ideal frisbee player mush-up         

Flick breaks/hucks like Rosie, leftie backhands like Leanne, footwork like Aoife, jumps like Ben, speed like Staunton, defence like Brian T, spirit like Mary, Matthew Feelys handler movement, layouts like Nick, pulls like Luke Carey Murphy, Fergs cutting and Bryan Dornans 0.5% turnover rate.


An interesting fact about you that people should know               

I own a plant named Pippin


Which character below would you most like to be when playing frisbee?           

Harry Potter because I look pretty similar to him?


If you had to pick one person on your frisbee team to be stuck in a submarine with for 9 days who would you choose and why?    

Leanne, she never stops talking!


Do you bring anything out of the ordinary when you attend frisbee tournaments

Idiotic remarks


  Thank you Caitlin....will listen out for those idiotic remarks in future!

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