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Donal Murray


What is your name?      

Donal Murray                


How long have you been playing Ultimate Frisbee?      

Since September 2007 properly


How did you start playing?        

Seamus organised games of pickup in August of 2007 with siblings and friends, and then I gave it a go in college that September with surfing as I was too old for other more established sports. So I tried it out again. Getting out to surfing        was difficult and sporadic so I stayed with Ultimate


Who was your first frisbee crush?          

I remember first varsities getting schooled by Laura McGrath.


What was the best frisbee tournament you ever attended and why?    

ECBU 2008 was amazing. It was my first time seeing all the little things that a tournament can do. Player gifts, newsletters every day which mentioned games the day before, great location, great team mentality, pitch lines, a well organised schedule, player pics, parties. It proved the inspiration for Cork Beach 2008.


What was the worst frisbee tournament you ever attended and why? 

Mixed nationals 2012. Rebel split teams and then everyone started getting injured. It was cold, it was wet. I think we did quite well considering, but for many reasons it wasn't that enjoyable.


If you were an animal that could play frisbee what animal would you like to be and why?

I can't get playing as a penguin out of my head. It would be so frustrating but I'd be entertained anyway. Little tiny steps, flappy wings that couldn't do anything, great layout form. Try laying out with your arms stuck by your side, great craic.


If a theme song was played every time you were announced onto the pitch, what theme song would you choose?  

 It's been in my head for a while now.


What was your best Ultimate Frisbee moment?

Winning UK mixed indoors felt great at a tough time, catching winning score at UK nats too.

I think winning and captaining indoor all-Irelands with James and Rebel in 2011 for the first time felt amazing. Hadn't really beaten Broc much before but had came close a few times. It was one of those really motivating wins.


Which player did you look up to when you first began playing frisbee?

Matt Dolan - such an infectious love for playing and throwing.


What player do you look up to at the moment?

All of them really, but also myself. Motivation comes from within and I've got into a good swing of training and gym work recently.


Do you have any pre-game or pre-tournament rituals and do they ever work? 

Part of the reason I wore a hat before was to keep my head together, I felt like I just needed some pressure on it.

I think I may have had others before, but they've all faded. I noticed in Dubai that I generally go for a wee beforehand, and it makes it very tough if the portaloos are very far away. I don't know how girls do it.


Where do you see your frisbee self in 5 years time -     

I see myself injury free and keeping fitness and gym work up outside of training.

Will I still be playing Frisbee, I'm not sure.


What was the best frisbee team you ever played on and why?

UK mixed indoors team Dec 2011. Had a plan, had focused trainings, and it was just the vibe I loved. Everyone completely together and bought in together and a first really big trophy.


What is your favourite frisbee number and why?           

13. Many people seem to want it, so it makes it valuable. It doesn't really bother me though.


What was the best frisbee party you were ever at and why?     

All-Ireland indoors 2012. I'd a good night.


What was the worst frisbee party you were at and why?             

Dubai 2015, it was a good night in the end, but the lack of service or deals they guaranteed earlier made many of the group split up.


Have you ever thought about quitting frisbee and why?             

Yes, can be a bit of a toxic atmosphere at times and a bit too cliquey.


Why do you continue to play frisbee?  

I enjoy it and it keeps me fit.


Choose your ideal frisbee player mush-up         

Brian's backhand, Seamus's flick, Nick's layout ability, Mark's aerialness, Ferg's fitness, Micheal's clever body positioning, James's big pivots, Eoghan Cronin's wonder at all things new, Leo's calves, Hob's competitive spirit, Bon's no pivot backhand, John's speed, Daragh's moustache, beard like Lee, agility like Dylan, hair like Oisin,


An interesting fact about you that people should know               

I recently got a colour changing lightbulb (not lamp, actual bulb) that has a remote control :-p


Which character below would you most like to be when playing frisbee?           

Anchroman because he seems the happiest.


If you had to pick one person on your frisbee team to be stuck in a submarine with for 9 days who would you choose and why?    

Micheal, I think we'd get stuff done.


Do you bring anything out of the ordinary when you attend frisbee tournaments

Aspirin in case of a heart attack from someone!



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