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Dylan Fitzgibbon

What is your name?    

Dylan Fitzgibbon


What year did you begin playing Ultimate Frisbee? 

The end of 2011


How did you start playing?  

Ex girlfriend used to play it, I used to mock her about it until I decided to give it a chance, never looked back since :)


Who was your first frisbee crush? 

Brian T, how could you not love that enthusiasm?


What was the best frisbee tournament you ever attended and why?     

EYUC 2013. Great feeling to represent your country :)


What was the worst frisbee tournament you ever attended and why?  

Mixed Tour 1 2015, weather was insane and matches were cancelled :(


If you were an animal that could play frisbee what animal would you like to be and why??         

My dog, she's better than I am already!


If a theme song was played every time you were announced onto the pitch, what theme song would you choose?       

Hardcore rap....


What was your best Ultimate Frisbee moment?         

Knocking Meara on her ass in bubbleball....


Which player did you look up to when you first began playing frisbee?       

All of them.... Im pretty small....


What player do you look up to at the moment

Haven't grown much so same :P Nah but I look up to all my team mates for their different qualities :)


Have you ever played a joke on one of your teammates? If so tell us about it!        

I once convinced king it would be a great idea to put on a pair of boxing gloves and do a few rounds


Where do you see your frisbee self in 5 years time -   

World domination with Rebel 


What was the best frisbee team you ever played on and why?    

Rebel this year, top quality captains :P


Do you have any other hobbies?   

I dabble in a bit of Tae Kwon-Do and Kickboxing....


What was the best frisbee party you were ever at and why?        

Windmill... woken up by a player shaking me "please get up, you're on the pitch and we need to start the game..."


 Have you ever thought about quitting frisbee and why?    

Nope, love it, can't imagine ever stopping.


Why do you continue to play frisbee?     

Its unique, great fitness and great people :)


Choose your ideal frisbee player mush-up       

Donals Spirit, James knowledge of everything both related and non related to frisbee, Brians throws, Daraghs jump, Fannings height, Docs speed.


An interesting fact about you that people should know      

Im allergic to the colour red
I was once homeless for two days in Norway
Im extremely OCD
I have an insane fear of stickiness... even to the extreme of never wearing sun cream no matter where in the world I am
Im self employed


Which character below would you most like to be when playing frisbee?    

Batman, who doesn't want to be


If you had to pick one person on your frisbee team to be stuck in a submarine with for 9 days who would you choose and why?   

Daragh... He'd find something positive about the situation


Do you ever wonder how different your life would be if frisbee didn't find you

Im sure I would have found an equally ridiculous sport :)

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