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Emma Healy



What is your name?      

Emma Healy


How year did you begin playing Ultimate Frisbee?      

September 2014


How did you start playing?    

Heard about it in college and decided to give it a go. 


Who was your first frisbee crush?          

I think a lot of people already know the answer to this...


(Yes they certainly do Emma!)


What was the best frisbee tournament you ever attended and why?    

Whacking day 2014. None of us had even the remotest idea of what we were supposed to doing but we still managed to win... Yay beginners!! 


What was the worst frisbee tournament you ever attended and why? 

Haven't had any bad tournament experiences yet! Cork Open 2014 was my first time ever playing outdoors though and that kinda terrified me. 


If you were an animal that could play frisbee what animal would you like to be and why?

I just want to be a pug. I also think a pug chasing after a disc would look pretty hilarious.


If a theme song was played every time you were announced onto the pitch, what theme song would you choose?       

Preferably something by Taylor Swift <3


What was your best Ultimate Frisbee moment?

Can't think of any stand out moments off the top of my head. Perhaps I need to start laying out more. 


Which player did you look up to when you first began playing frisbee?

Leanne O' Neill, Such a great beginner coach! Also, the fact that her left hand hucks are better than my right hand ones are ever likely to be depresses me slightly. 


What player do you look up to at the moment 

The majority of the UCC girls are great. Leanne, Mary, Rosie, Caitlin, Cliona and Aoife just to name a few. They are all ridiculously talented. 


Where do you see your frisbee self in 5 years time -     

I haven't even thought about tomorrow!! 


What was the best frisbee team you ever played on and why?

The Ladies IVs team this year was amazing. I was delighted to have gotten the chance to play on it. 


Do you have anyother hobbies

Is snapchat a hobby? 


What is the best frisbee party you ever attended?

I don't have too many to choose from but I thought the Siege of Limerick party this year was great craic!             


Have you ever thought about quitting frisbee and why?             

Not yet anyway!


Why do you continue to play frisbee?  

It's great fun and everyone involved is just fab.


An interesting fact about you that people should know               

I don't own a yacht. 


Which character below would you most like to be when playing frisbee?           

Harry Potter. So many spells would come in handy whilst playing.     


If you had to pick one person on your frisbee team to be stuck in a submarine with for 9 days who would you choose and why?    

Anna. I doubt either of us would be capable of spending 9 days apart! 




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