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Rosie O' Mahony


What is your name?      

Rosemarie O' Mahony                   


How long have you been playing Ultimate Frisbee?      

3 years ish....intended to start like 3 months earlier but broke my arm in an unfortunate window related incident.


How did you start playing?        

Micheal McGrath was beginner girls coach that year and he was very committed to getting players. He showed up to my brothers 21st in August, found out I was in UCC and kind of sporty and proceeded to spend the entire night telling me he was going to build a frisbee team around me and how he'd make me a star and I drunkenly bought into his ramblings and agreed and he never let me take it back. Cheers Micheal ;)



Who was your first frisbee crush?          

ahh, tough.....hmmm, gotta say Kyle Smith, sound man altogether and not a bad looking chap at all.       

What was the best frisbee tournament you ever attended and why?    

Has to be Windmill, particularly Windmill 2013. Playing mixed with my two siblings and getting to the final of Windmill was just unbelievable. Such a fun team, got to play with loads of people I hadn't played with before, we didn't take it seriously, had great craic every night and still did better than the Irish U23's :P  Nah, just an all round brilliant tournament, like where else are you going to play mingle with 400 hundred or so randomers....I'll never forget my 1st yr there and some huge Russian guy just picked me for for the 'just married' , terrifying but class!! Seriously, everyone go to Windmill!



What was the worst frisbee tournament you ever attended and why? 

Hmm, toss up between Tour 3 2013- roasting hot, 10 players, Helen Hobson broke her ankle in the 1st game and Hayley Moore 'the *expletive* vegetarian' fainting in the 1st game reducing us to an absolute skeleton team. I recall, cowering under a bench with a wet towel on my head, desperately trying not to faint at half time in one game and next thing I remember we were on the line.....great craic altogether. That said it was actually genuinely loads of fun so still glad we went. #noregrets

Or Mixed IV 2013- totally opposite to tour, miserable, freezing just generally mank conditions. Huddled in the dressing rooms under the only heat source in between games. Again though, great tournament really, Ben Noonan realised girls can actually play sports, 'wow, mixed can actually be fun,' Just remember folks, if someone asks you to sign up for mixed IVs, that it's gonna be on outside and the weather will undoubtedly be absolute crap.



If you were an animal that could play frisbee what animal would you like to be and why?       

A monkey cause
1) monkeys are cool ( I mean like the monkey in The Hangover 2 cool)
2) They're the only animals that I imagine would have the dexterity to actually play frisbee well, opposable thumbs and all that!



If a theme song was played every time you were announced onto the pitch, what theme song would you choose?       

I would love to say hammer-time cause I love hammers but Mary will probably shoot me if I continue to throw them so often, plus it's a tad predictable, so I'm gonna go with .... nah I actually can't think of anything, would totally depend on my mood could be anything from Radiohead's creep to 'hey mickey' ...wouldn't like to be caught in a rut, ya know.



What was your best Ultimate Frisbee moment?              

Probably playing against CUSB, Italy, with LMS ( sorry Rebel/UCC) at Worlds in Lecco, got to play deep in the zone and got loads of the most ridiculous D's I've ever gotten in my life.



Which player did you look up to when you first began playing frisbee?               

Mary McKee....still do, she's amazing.



What player do you look up to at the moment?

everyone...i'm so goddamn short!!



Do you have any pre-game or pre-tournament rituals and do they ever work? 

Nope, usually napping or avoiding warm-ups/stretching and annoying those who are warming up/ stretching. I always super pessimistic too and assume we're gonna lose most of the time, that way if you lose, you get the satisfaction of being right and if you win you don't care that you were wrong cause you won. It's a win-win!! :D



Where do you see your frisbee self in 5 years time?   

phhf, don't know don't care.....I live for the here and now man!! Thinking about the future requires much too much effort.



What was the best frisbee team you ever played on and why?

UCC this year and 2012-13, we just know each other so well and work so hard for each other. With both these teams, I can genuinely say that I loved everyone on the team, loved hanging out with them, playing with them, even training with them. Both teams, everyone on the team just knew each other inside out and you can totally tell that by the way we play. It's weird, we just don't seem to get sick of each other, every day it's do you wanna meet up, hang out, watch a movie, throw, grab some food, go drinking, whatever.....we're friends and it's cool, and it really is super rare when it comes to sports teams that everyone actually gets along so that why I think we're the best team plus UNDEFEATED!! wow, that's probably the saddest and nicest thing I've ever written...don't judge me.



What is your favourite frisbee number and why?           

Don't have one, have never understood people's attachment to frisbee numbers to be honest.



What was the best frisbee party you were ever at and why?     

Ain't no party like a Windmill party!



What was the worst frisbee party you were at and why?             

party after winning ladies IVs 2013,  Cheers girls, great night was had.



Have you ever thought about quitting frisbee and why?             

Ah ya, a few times after those 'what the hell happened last night at the party....I did what..NOOOOOOOOOOO!! It passes quickly.



Why do you continue to play frisbee?  

the people



Choose your ideal frisbee player mush-up         

throws like Leo, height like Mark, jumps like doc, reads the disc like Foeke, intelligence and aggression like Sean, spirit like Mary, determination like Caitlin, focus like Aoife.



An interesting fact about you that people should know?               

I'm missing the tip of my left little finger....Sean didn't appreciate 4 yr old Rosie running to Mom and telling tales on him.



Which character below would you most like to be when playing frisbee?           

Harry Potter expelliarmus has gotta be the easiest way to make the other team turnover…..Accio Frisbee!!!!!.



If you had to pick one person on your frisbee team to be stuck in a submarine with for 9 days who would you choose and why?    

Aoife cause she'd keep me entertained... takes her about 9 days to tell a story anyways :P



Do you bring anything out of the ordinary when you attend frisbee tournaments?




                                                                                  Thanks Rosie !!



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