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Stephen Hannon     


How long have you been playing Ultimate Frisbee?      

Early October of 2014


How did you start playing?        

Friends were playing and all I knew the sport to be at the time was some sort of mix between American football and basketball with discs. So I ended up going to the capital back in the day of the summer of 2014 for a tournament as the photographer. Hadn't a notion of what the heck was going on. I remember standing at what I thought was the end of an end zone taking pictures of caitlin who was skying the hell of whoever she was playing. Turns out I was actually in the end zone rather than behind it which I learned very quickly by the sideline screaming at me and a very funny angry face from caitlin as she catches the disc and sees me. Pity I wasn't playing or I might have scored but at least I got half dozen photos instead. The following October I joined as a beginner and at this stage I'd hope I've learned enough to not make the same mistake.


Who was your first frisbee crush?          

My first frisbee crush, trying not to be too mushy about it but it's obviously got to be the girl that introduced me to the sport, Maeve Ryan. Honestly can't imagine having eyes for anyone else.


What was the best frisbee tournament you ever attended and why?    

Wacking Day has to be one of the most memorable frisbee tournaments to date. First impressions are everything, I still love the sport so my first ever tournament playing frisbee must have made some great first impressions on me. It had all the essentials: alcohol, friends, drink, frisbee, alcohol, road trips, the lot!


What was the worst frisbee tournament you ever attended and why? 

The worst ones are the ones u cannot play but as long as ur involved you'll still have fun.


If you were an animal that could play frisbee what animal would you like to be and why?

An octopus, how scared wld you be if you were getting marked by a dude with eight arms? Pretty scared! And how easy wld it be to catch that disc for the winning score? Pretty Damn easy but I'd probably still find away, which is a skill in itself.

If a theme song was played every time you were announced onto the pitch, what theme song would you choose?       


What was your best Ultimate Frisbee moment?

Nothing really jumps out at me right at this moment in time, I've seen so many extraordinary catches and even been lucky enough to get a picture of them but hopefully with enough practice ill be making a lot more of the incredible catches I've been seeing lately.


Which player did you look up to when you first began playing frisbee?

To be perfectly honest the ucc beginner lads have had brilliant leadership from Darragh and Alan which I'm very greatful for, its not easy putting ur spare time into teaching a group of newbies, especially when your in final year of computer science, trust me, I shld know.


Where do you see your frisbee self in 5 years time -     

"Make your plans and give God a good laugh." I'm not much of a comedian so I haven't made many plans, just taking every day as it comes and making the most of it.


What was the best frisbee team you ever played on and why?        

A stand out memory was being put on the Rebel 3rd team which ended up beating the Rebel 2nd team in limerick only a few months ago. That was a controversial one but it just shows the strength of the overall team when they have such competition amongst their ranks.


Do you have any other hobbies?          

Photography, filming, filming and photography. 


What was the best frisbee party you ever attended?

I'd say it was a frisbee party where Gush tried to complete the three pint challenge and ended up, well, as the name implies, getting sick but that wldnt narrow it down very much. Only joking! I don't think I've been to a single disappointing frisbee party so far, touch wood!        


An interesting fact about you that people should know     

If you know me, then you probably know I tend to come out with the worst puns and if you don't know me yet then I apologise in advance.          


Which character below would you most like to be when playing frisbeee? Anchorman, Spiderman, Batman, or Harry Potter

Batman, because I'd be hiding in the shadows... sorry, kind of an inside joke.


Any nice saying you would like to share?

The ends justify the means, winning is all that matters.


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