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BingeFest 2012



Rebel Ultimate traveled to Dublin last weekend to take part in this years Bingefest at the UCD Sports Hall. 


A strong team was sent from the depths of Munster Ultimate in a bid to be crowned this years champions. Unfortunately this was not meant to be.  The team members included; Brian, Dylan, Elaine, Jsun, Laura, Mark, Renée, Sean and Stephen.


On Saturday morning we arrived pumped and ready to take on our first game against the pick-up team, Captain Forfeit.

We won easily and it gave us a nice warm-up for the day.

Our second game was against Buses of Belfast which we also won. They gave us a box of eclairs. 

We lost our third and final game of the day to Binge. It was a tight match but we were unable to secure the win.

However, it wasn't all bad, regardless of this loss, we were to have a late start on Sunday and therefore we could stay a little longer all snug and warm in our leabas and sleeping bags.


Renee and Seán put us up for the night in their houses. Thanks you guys!. Seán cooked some chicken green curry for his visitors and Renée cooked chicken pesto and pasta for her guests. Then she cooked some popcorn and malteasers. I am not sure what King had for his dinner on Saturday night. He did not say. 


Everyone went to the party Saturday night, drank loads and we were the life and soul of the party. 


On Sunday morning breakfast rolls from Spar and some lovely nutritious and healthy snacks from Lotties Wholefoods were provided for us which gave us energy for our upcoming games of the day.  Not quite enough energy though, as we started off not so well, losing our first match against Captain Hindsight. They ended up progressing to the final later in the day. 

Then we played against DCU which we won. Brian didn't play this game so we were all very happy with that and as a result played much better. We finished the tournament on a little high winning our final match playing Binge again. 


We finished the tournament in 5th place

Everyone played well at the weekend. The girls always keeping tight on their marks and Jsun scoring some great points in crowded end-zones.

Nobody got sunburnt or injured at the weekend, and nobody got into any fights either. 


MVP of the team was a tie between Seán, Brian and Dylan but Seán got the medal, which is what really counts so good man Seán!. MSP went to both Seán and King and finally A-game was awarded  to Cork fighting master Dylan. But regardless of who won what, we are winners really.


Thank you to Brian for captaining the team, to the tournament directors in Dublin for organizing a great tournament and to Laura for giving me a lift to the train station on Sunday night.


Merry Christmas

Elaine Prendiville

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